David Haslam
David Haslam

I later walked to the top of the hill... The route there allowed me to see it from different perspectives, although it was always the same ‘thing’, being far away as it was. Upon reaching the hill, ‘there’ became ‘here’ and walking, well motion, suddenly became part of the experience of the hill, physically negotiating it, (you know, before I was seeing it, but physically walking somewhere else), and because the scale of the hill was so massive, it could not be comprehended as before, for example, when you climb a slope you tend to look down at the ground. But you can’t have both at the same time! You can be on it and imagining/remembering it from afar, and vice versa when you leave and look at it, imagining it up close, hence why I made many repeat journeys, because neither position was fully satisfying.  


Unnamed Hill


Photograph, text

Dimensions variable

One of a series of writings and photographs associated with this site.